We can confirm that Devin Wayne Center of Fayetteville, Arkansas is “Nathan AR” of Patriot Front. Center was arrested yesterday in Idaho along with 30 other members of the organization. The above photo shows Center (“Nathan AR”) at a regional Patriot Front training event last year.
Devin Wayne Center helped to deface a Black Lives Matters / Stop Asian Hate mural in Atlanta in September 2021. We previously identified Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau, Patriot Front member Graham Whitson, and a currently-unidentified fourth member as being involved in defacing the mural. The Atlanta mural was later restored.
Dalton Woodward (left) at Patriot Front training event, October 2021. Graham Whitson (“Mason TX”) on right.
Dalton Russell Woodward (“Jesse AR”) is the current “Interview Coordinator” for Patriot Front (PF), a white supremacist organization operating across the US. Atlanta Antifascists first exposed Woodward as a white nationalist in 2019, while he was an active-duty Georgia National Guardsman stationed in Afghanistan. Following media attention and the return of Woodward’s unit to the US, the National Guard eventually removed him. Woodward currently lives in Chester, Arkansas.
As Patriot Front’s national Interview Coordinator, Woodward organizes the initial interview sessions in which applicants submit to questioning by trusted PF members. These first interviews are conducted over a voice call and aim to identify potential infiltrators and to ensure ideological consistency. If a prospective member passes this first test, an in-person meetup is scheduled for further scrutiny, including a physical search and examining the contents of their phone. Woodward’s work as Interview Coordinator is a key part of PF’s security structure and is crucial to maintaining PF’s internal culture of fascism, white supremacy, and antisemitism.
Dalton Woodward as vanguard shield section leader, PF rally, December 4, 2021, Washington, DC.