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Caleb Dane Rose was known as Victor 2889 IN but Caleb has been known to antifascists for years thanks to his numerous memberships in white nationalist groups. In fact, his previous membership in National Socialist Club (NSC)-131 was one of the main reasons for his identification in Patriot Front. NSC-131 was recently in the news after the hate group attended a St. Patrick’s day parade in Boston and used one of the Dropkick Murphy’s songs in their propaganda afterwards. After some insults online, Dropkicks invited the neo-nazis to talk at the park a few days later and NSC did not attend out of fear. NSC neo-nazis have roots or are otherwise connected other white nationalist organizations including National Socialist Movement, The Base, League of the South, Traditionalist Worker Party, Aryan Strike Force and Patriot Front.
At a July 2020 Rogersville, TN, Black Lives Matter protest against police and honoring George Floyd, Caleb was one of nine NSC 131 aka NSC Dixie members arrested for violence against BLM protesters, per Rogersville local news. It was also noted in the Rogersville Review article that Caleb is a member of a second hate group, Legion of St. Ambrose.
Caleb, as Victor, posted frequently on the Patriot Front server, which was leaked in January and is hosted by Unicorn Riot. In his posts, he shared that he lives in Crawfordsville, Indiana and doesn’t have a car. Caleb doesn’t have a car because he was arrested for a DUI. He was in Virginia at the Patriot Front camp in preparation for their early December national event and marched in Washington DC with the fascist group.