Wesley Evan Van Horn AKA “Christopher AL” of Lexington, AL

Read more at Atlanta Antifascists

We can now reveal the identity of Patriot Front’s Network Director for “Network VI” (northern Alabama & Georgia, southern Tennessee). Wesley Evan Van Horn of Lexington, Alabama is “Christopher AL” of Patriot Front. He was arrested with 30 other Patriot Front members in Idaho on Saturday, June 11th, 2022.

Wesley Van Horn / “Christopher AL” helped lead a Patriot Front regional training in Tallahassee, Florida in October 2021, where members drilled for Patriot Front’s December 2021 national rally in DC. He was promoted to Patriot Front “Network Director” for his region soon after DC.

In January 2022, internal Patriot Front messages were leaked online by the Unicorn Riot media collective. In those messages, Network Director “Christopher AL” (Wesley Van Horn) provided the locations of every member of his Patriot Front network at the time. He also indicated that he lived in or near Lexington, AL.

Cameron Kathan Pruitt AKA Jon UT of Midway, UT

Cameron Kathan Pruitt, 23, of Midway UT was arrested alongside 30 other members of Patriot Front while attempting to disrupt a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Pruitt was previously arrested in 2020 for putting up Patriot Front stickers in Weatherford, TX with Graham Whitson and Thoas Rousseau. Joshua serves in Patriot Front leadership as Network 5 Director.

According to the Kootenai Co Sheriff’s Office, Cameron’s address at time of booking was: 593 BAYHILL DR, MIDWAY, UT 84049.

Cameron’s leaked Patriot Front messages can be found here, and here.

Brandon Michael Danaher AKA “Patrick MO” of Blue Springs, MO

Read more Chicago Anti-Fascist Action

Brandon Michael Danaher was born on September 27, 1989. We’ll explore his descent into white nationalism shortly. First, do note that once members are granted access to the Patriot Front internal communications server, they chose a false name for themselves. That name corresponds with the state they live and their title, if applicable. In Patriot Front servers, Brandon Michael Danaher was known as Patrick, from Missouri.

Patriot Front member “Patrick-MO (@PF-5788)”  traveled from Blue Springs, Missouri in the Kansas City, Missouri area, and attended the December 4, 2021 Patriot Front training camp and march in Washington DC [1], as proven by his conversation with Thomas Rousseau afterwards.

In Brandon’s preparation for the weekend-long event, he private messaged fellow fascist “Mark – MO” his home address for transportation support. “Patrick” tells us that he lives near Blue Springs, MO [2]. So much for OpSec!

Brandon and another hate group member Sean-KS [3] vandalized public spaces with white nationalist promotional materials on after Thanksgiving, in Brandon’s town. Their handiwork was posted on the hate group’s public social media after the failed DC training camp and march, in a feeble attempt to boost morale.

Stephen James Trimboli AKA “Lawrence FL” of Melbourne Beach, FL

Read more at Washington Nazi Watch

Stephen James Trimboli is a Network Director in the neo-Nazi, fascist group Patriot Front. He operates under the name “Lawrence FL” and lives in Melbourne Beach, FL.

Network Directors, such as Trimboli, represent the highest leadership role a Patriot Front member can obtain under national leader Thomas Rousseau, and they serve to enforce and coordinate Patriot Front’s white supremacist activity. Trimboli’s is the Network Director responsible for the state of Florida, which is referred to as “Network 16” (often stylized “NW16” or “Network XVI”).

Prior to moving to Florida in 2021 to live rent-free with his dad, an executive sponsporship manager at Amazon, Trimboli used the name Lawrence WA and was a senior member in Network 8, which covers Washington state. He was considered most likely to become that Network’s director before moving. The current Network 8 Network Director, Colton Michael Brown, refers to Trimboli as his best friend and inspiration to join the Patriot Front.

Each regional PF network was expected to hold three drilling sessions between October and December 2021 in preparation for their December 4th fascist march. To meet the minimum attendance required for effective drill practice, members from Florida’s Network 16 met up with members of neighboring states in mid-October. There, Patriot Front members practiced marching cadences and ran shield drills, essentially trying out for spots on the shield teams during marches. This particular drill practice event gained some notoriety in the local press after pictures and videos of the event were released by Unicorn Riot.

Two mock shield teams practicing their shield presentations. Leaked Patriot Front shield team documents show that teams are made up of five members in a row.

Austin James Amato AKA “Adam TX” of Fort Worth, TX

Read more at the South Dallas 161 Twitter thread here or archived thread here.

Let’s all say hello to Austin James Amato aka “Adam TX PF-4366” of Fort Worth, TX. Austin Amato is a member of the violent nazi/white supremacist organization known as Patriot Front led by Thomas Rousseau out of Haslet, TX.

Austin Amato was solely responsible for the fabrication of the metal shields and shin guards worn by Patriot Front members in the fall of 2021 to their demonstrations. He was also arrested with Patriot Front member Tristan Michaelangelo Yeager in May of 2021 in Sanger, TX on a charge of deadly conduct.

Austin Amato, along with Patriot Front member Graham Jones Whitson, and another unidentified man, were seen in the early hours of April 18, 2022, putting up a Patriot Front banner and stickers in downtown Denton, TX. The banner was strategically placed on the Dr Martin Luther King pedestrian bridge. Intercepted by a local trans activist and told to get the fuck off his block (and it is his block) Patriot Front members knocked the phone out of his hand and threatened that if he didn’t walk the other way they were going to keep his phone and he wouldn’t “leave in one piece”

Garret J. Garland AKA “Randolph IL” of Freeburg, IL

Read more at Hatewatch

With the help of private chats leaked by the journalist collective Unicorn Riot, Hatewatch identified Garret J. Garland, 24, of Freeburg, Illinois, as working with Patriot Front member Mitchell Frederick Wagner, in planning and perpetrating the destruction of a mural depicting famous Black Americans on a college campus in St. Louis, Missouri in December 2021. Based on the chats, it appears Garland worked closely with local and national Patriot Front leadership to carry out the property damage. They also indicate that he recruited Wagner and Logan Plank, 18, of Wood River, Illinois, and one still-unidentified individual to participate in the destruction of the mural.

In Patriot Front chats, members use aliases to disguise their identity. Those aliases typically include the state in which they reside. Leaked private chats reveal how the person behind the alias Randolph IL, who Hatewatch believes based on the investigation recounted above to be Garland, planned and perpetrated the destruction of the St. Louis mural. On Dec. 13, 2021, five days before the vandalism, Randolph IL shared a weekly meeting report with the local chapter leader of Patriot Front who subsequently shared it with Rousseau. Under the bullet point “Upcoming Activism,” Randolph IL wrote: “Weekend Plans: Randolph IL, Sam MN, Kyle MO, and Clarke IL will stencil at Wash U. Randy will plan, Kyle will photograph.”

The mural that was destroyed was created in 2020 by a collective of local artists and featured famous Black Americans, particularly figures of note to St. Louis, including Annie Malone, one of the first Black millionaires and a prominent philanthropist, and Robert L. Williams, a professor at Washington University – the campus on which the mural stood – who coined the term “Ebonics.” It also featured civil rights leader John Lewis and actor Chadwick Boseman.

Students cleaned some of the vandalism from this image of actor Chadwick Boseman on a mural in St. Louis after it was defaced in December 2021. (Photo by Curran Neenan/Student Life)

Mitchell Frederick Wagner AKA “Kyle MO” of Florissant, MO

Read more on Hatewatch and Nebraska Antifascists

Prosecutors in St. Louis announced on March 8, 2022 that they charged Mitchell Frederick Wagner, 24, of Florissant, Missouri, with felony first-degree property damage in connection with the destruction of a mural created in 2020 by a collective of local artists which featured famous Black Americans, particularly figures of note to St. Louis. They said three other individuals were with Wagner the night of the alleged act of vandalism. After his arrest, antifascist researchers identified Kyle MO as Wagner.

Wagner was also one of the 31 Patriot Front members arrested in Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, on June 11, 2022. The group planned to intimidate the local Pride event taking place that day.

Caleb Dane Rose AKA “Victor IN” of Crawfordsville, IN

Read more at Chicago Antifascist Action

Caleb Dane Rose was known as Victor 2889 IN but Caleb has been known to antifascists for years thanks to his numerous memberships in white nationalist groups. In fact, his previous membership in National Socialist Club (NSC)-131 was one of the main reasons for his identification in Patriot Front. NSC-131 was recently in the news after the hate group attended a St. Patrick’s day parade in Boston and used one of the Dropkick Murphy’s songs in their propaganda afterwards. After some insults online, Dropkicks invited the neo-nazis to talk at the park a few days later and NSC did not attend out of fear. NSC neo-nazis have roots or are otherwise connected other white nationalist organizations including National Socialist Movement, The Base, League of the South, Traditionalist Worker Party, Aryan Strike Force and Patriot Front.
At a July 2020 Rogersville, TN, Black Lives Matter protest against police and honoring George Floyd, Caleb was one of nine NSC 131 aka NSC Dixie members arrested for violence against BLM protesters, per Rogersville local news. It was also noted in the Rogersville Review article that Caleb is a member of a second hate group, Legion of St. Ambrose.
Caleb, as Victor, posted frequently on the Patriot Front server, which was leaked in January and is hosted by Unicorn Riot. In his posts, he shared that he lives in Crawfordsville, Indiana and doesn’t have a car. Caleb doesn’t have a car because he was arrested for a DUI. He was in Virginia at the Patriot Front camp in preparation for their early December national event and marched in Washington DC with the fascist group.

Caleb Dane Rose at the Patriot Front camp in Virginia before their December march in Washington DC

Clinton William Hudson AKA “William OK” of Broken Arrow, OK

Read more at the South Dallas 161 archived Twitter thread here or here

It’s our pleasure to introduce Patriot Front’s Oklahoma Network Director, the pride of Broken Arrow: Clinton William Hudson! Clint goes by “William OK” PF-8191, Network 4 Director on the leaked Patriot Front RocketChat.

Clinton Hudson joined Patriot Front on September 30, 2018 but this isn’t Clint’s first dance with fascism. Clint is well known in Tulsa fascist circles and has collaborated with the likes of “Fashy Gainz” AKA Cody Allen Elkin, another Broken Arrow, Oklahoma mother’s shame.

Oklahoma antifascists used a photo from the Unicorn Riot leak to geolocate Clinton Hudson’s home in the Tulsa suburbs. We also have Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau’s leaked DM questioning the brazenness of painting a banner in his front yard. Here was also involved in vandalizing Murrell state park in Oklahoma and hacked traffic safety signs with fascist messages.

Alexi Guthrie AKA “Brandon CA” of Simi Valley, CA

Read more at Pacific Antifascist Research Collective

Alexi Michael Guthrie, 27, of Simi Valley, CA, is an avowed National Socialist and the de-facto “network director” for the Southern California division of American neo-nazi group Patriot Front. Guthrie, operating under the alias “Brandon CA“, has extensive ties to Patriot Front’s leadership and is responsible for recruiting and for planning & organizing events for what has been called “the most active white supremacist group in the nation.”

Alexi Guthrie, who describes himself as a National Socialist (Nazi), is a highly active white supremacist with ties to other extremist groups including Rob Rundo’s Will2Rise, Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance, and the antisemitic National Justice Party.

In this article, we reveal new details about Patriot Front and Alexi Guthrie gathered by an anti-fascist infiltrator who attended the group’s events. Guthrie’s extensive activity on behalf of Patiot Front is further proven by the leaked Patriot Front private chat logs published by Unicorn Riot in January 2022. In these private chats, Patriot Front members have admitted to numerous hate crimes across the United States.

Alexi Guthrie at the Patriot Front march in D.C., indicated with a red arrow