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Thanks to Unicorn Riot, we can now report that Patriot Front member “Jason NY” is Kevin Lowy. He was also involved in vandalizing the George Floyd statue in Brooklyn in June 2021. He is connected to addresses in the Bronx, White Plains, & Mahopac, NY. He uses a Nikon D7000 DSLR.
If you have additional information regarding Kevin Lowy, contact NYC Antifa at nycantifa [at] riseup [dot] net
The George Floyd statue in Brooklyn was targeted by 4 Patriot Front members on 6/24/2021. They smeared paint & painted the PF logo on the statue. Footage shows that one fascist was tall & heavy-set. He held a camera to take action shots of the other three.

The vandalism of the George Floyd statue by Kevin Lowy & other Patriot Front members was part of a nationwide campaign by the fascist org against Black Lives Matter symbols. These actions are directed & approved by PF’s leadership, who also participate.
Defacing the George Floyd statue in Brooklyn was not Patriot Front’s only action on 6/24. PF also hit a mural in Manhattan, a different statue in Newark, & a mural in Philly (perhaps a day earlier). PF members in NY, NJ, & PA are all part of “Network 10”

In leaked chat messages from 2022, Kevin Lowy (“Jason NY”) was “Acting Network Scribe” for NW 10. He documented actions & meetings, member activity, etc. As scribe, he’d know who did what & when. He vetted prospective members and still runs PF sock accounts on social media.
Kevin Lowy has been seen at Patriot Front spectacles. He was in Chicago in Jan 2022 (w/ his camera once again), as Patriot Front tried to crash the anti-choice “March 4 Life.”

Kevin Lowy was also in the DC area for Patriot Front’s speed walk to the Capitol in Dec 2021 in a support capacity. Kevin was at PF’s “vehicle exchange” (the place they swap their cars for the U-haul) when it got smashed up by antifascists.

Kevin Lowy aka “Jason NY” lied about what happened at the vehicle exchange, wildly exaggerating what happened (according to the anonymous account) when talking to the cops. Here he lies about waiting for “friends who are on a hike.” His friends were on a fascist march instead.
Kevin Lowy is also involved in Patriot Front work closer to home, centered on Westchester County, NY. In the fall of 2020, Kevin and another PF member were picked up by surveillance cameras in Sleepy Hollow, NY putting up Patriot Front’s usual fascist bs.

However, we first noticed Kevin Lowy in 2019, when he acted as Jovi Val’s cameraman for a “Jovi Val TV” livestream in Manhattan. Jovi is a former Proud Boy & current Nazi. In the video, Kevin is wearing a MAGA hat. (Nice camel coat, Kev.)

Kevin Lowy took his camel coat to PA for Patriot Front Network 10 “Drilling” in Oct 2021, in preparation for PF’s DC march. Documents found in PF’s leaked chat server (that he likely prepared as scribe) show Kevin as attending the training that day, as do pics from the day.

Patriot Front is connected to other fascist groups like the “National Justice Party,” a fake political party started by fascist podcasters. PF members were in Pittsburgh in Nov 2021 for some Nazi music & speechifying. Kevin Lowy & his coat were there!