Dan Nash AKA “Adam PA” of Kempton, PA

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This article exposes Dan Nash’s involvement in the Neo-fascist group Patriot Front, and his past participation as a reenactor for the the 9th reenactment division, which seeks to portray the 9th waffen SS Panzer division in reenactments across the country. The information for this article came from the unprecedented leak of Patriot Front membership material posted by the independent news outlet Unicorn Riot in January 2022 as well as the Patriot Front photo gallery hosted by Rose City Antifa.

Patriot Front-linked “Aryan Tribal Land” in Eastern Tennessee

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A self-proclaimed “tribe” of racist heathens is building a compound on a 122-acre property in Tellico Plains, eastern Tennessee. This group overlaps with Patriot Front (PF), a fascist organization with members nationwide, and the “Church of Aryanity,” a racist cult that refers to Adolf Hitler as “the Great One.” The leader of the Tennessee “tribe” is Brian Culpepper, who spent a decade in the white supremacist National Socialist Movement (NSM) and was its PR Director for several years.

Mark J. Hayden AKA “Bill MA” of Spencer, MA

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Mark J. Hayden (born November 28th, 2000) is an American white supremacist, failed musician, antisemite, misogynist, and neo-fascist. Hayden is a long-standing member of Patriot Front, and is likely a founding member of the Bay State Active Club.

Hayden is an involved and highly active member in Patriot Front, contributing to their social media presence through his “Patriotic Frontline” Gab account. Media of Patriot Front actions indicate he is physically aggressive, and willing to engage in violence against members of the public disinclined to quietly tolerate the presence of open neo-fascists.

Hayden is originally from Brockton MA. He currently resides in Spencer MA with his wife, in an apartment owned by a former member of Patriot Front. He’s also the older brother of Patriot Front member Jake Hayden, a/k/a “Victor MA.”

His Patriot Front moniker is “Bill MA,” and his serial number is PF-6309. He also goes by several handles, including “Stickbug” as the drummer of his high school band, “Brockton Boxer,” and “weedleboy.”

Nicholas J. Cerce AKA “Mike RI” of Woonsocket, RI

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Nicholas J. Cerce is an American neo-fascist. He was previously a member of the Traditionalist Workers Party, and is currently a member of Patriot Front.

Cerce was an active participant in Unite the Right, in Charlottesville VA,  particularly during the daylight rally on August 12th 2017. He marched with members of TWP, while also garbed in merchandise representing both alt-right organization Anti-Communist Action and Chris Cantwell’s Radical Agenda podcast. It is likely through his TWP membership that he met his wife, Andrea Battaglia.

Though Cerce has not been the only Patriot Front member active in Rhode Island, he is highly active, and is likely solely responsible for a great deal of Patriot Front’s propaganda presence in the state.

Cerce’s last known locale of residence was Woonsocket RI.
His Patriot Front moniker is “Mike RI,” and his serial number is PF-8894.

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Nicholas Scott Morrell AKA “Nathan MI” of Harrison Township MI

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In the Patriot Front leaked chats the address, 35722 Union Lake Rd Harrison Township MI 48045  , was posted as being the place of residence of both Jared Cummings(“Benjamin”) and Nicholas Scott Morrell (“Nathan”) (link). We received proof that Jared still lives there, but cannot confirm if Nicholas is still living there. Although, there is a person listed as living at the same address as Jared, and their age and pictures found online match Nicholas’s(“Nathan’s”) info and face in the leaks.

Jared Joseph Cummings AKA “Benjamin MI” of Harrison Township, MI

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Thanks to tips sent to us by local anti-fascists/anti-racists we have identified Benjamin (PF-765244) from the Unicorn Riot leaks as Jared Joseph Cummings of Harrison Township.

Benjamin MI, AKA Jared Cummings, does a lot of media work for PF taking many photos and videos of the MI network and at national events like the Dec. 4th 2021 D.C. demo, putting PF material in Flint, and vandalizing a mural of a Native American portrait.

Nicholas Gene Ambrose of Columbus, OH & Columbia, SC

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Nicholas Gene Ambrose is a Patriot Front member from South Carolina, currently living in Columbus, Ohio, where he is an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. He is active with multiple racist and fascist organizations in the US, and also brags about his connections to other far-right groups overseas. Online, he uses the handle “GoyHio” to talk about stalking and harassing people he perceives as enemies, including other students; and to advocate for violence against women, people of color, Jewish people, and LGBTQ+ people. The actions and behavior documented in this article demonstrate the ongoing threat he poses to members of his community.

In September 2023, Nicholas Gene Ambrose was confronted while putting up white supremacist stickers (Twitter archive) in broad daylight at a skate park in Columbus, Ohio. He was then named and shamed on Twitter by local researchers. Independently, Ambrose’s online persona had been monitored for months by anti-fascists. We identified him as the person behind the “GoyHio” Telegram handle just three days before he was exposed in Columbus by community members. This article documents his fascist networking and travel; his harassment campaigns and calls for violence against those he perceives as his ideological enemies; and his virulent racism, antisemitism, misogyny, and homophobia/transphobia. We hope this information about Ambrose’s activity will be useful to residents in the Midwest and the South where Ambrose operates.

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Brenner Alexander Cole AKA “ND James TX” of Driftwood, TX

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A Texas man with a past conviction for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon has been identified as a leader in the white nationalist Patriot Front group, a Hatewatch investigation has revealed.

Brenner Alexander Cole, 25, of Driftwood, Texas, has been a Patriot Front member since at least 2021 and since has assumed a leadership role within the group, according to leaked documents found by the media collective Unicorn Riot. The cache of leaked documents, which includes audio recordings of group meetings, shows that Cole became a network director for Patriot Front on Dec. 10, 2021; this role helps to plan propaganda runs, coordinate Patriot Front demonstrations and recruit new members. Cole also appears to have planned to drop a Patriot Front banner over an FBI billboard that advertises how to report hate crimes, but whether the action was carried out is unclear.

A Hatewatch investigation shows Cole appearing to welcome his local leadership role in the white nationalist group, using his position of authority to promote the group’s white nationalist ideology and motivate members to commit to their cause. Unmasking Cole and outlining his activities provides a window into the small but committed group of middle managers who oversee the circulation of Patriot Front’s racist propaganda into communities across the U.S.

Joshua Plotner AKA “Walter ID/OR” of Craigmont, Idaho

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In June 2022, 31 members of Patriot Front were mass arrested after it appeared they had been planning to start a riot at a pride parade in Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho. This is where we were able to identify the subject of this article, Joshua Plotner. It appeared that Plotner was responsible for bailing out the 31 Patriot Front members a day after the arrests took place. A further dive into Plotners background reveals that he uses the pseudonym “Walter ID” within the organization. For a short time before moving to Idaho , Plotner also used the alias “Walter OR” due to his original residence being Portland, OR.