Read more at Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists

We have identified Nathan David Brenner (26) of Louisville, Colorado as the “Network Director” of the Colorado & southern Wyoming chapter of the neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front. Nathan Brenner used the alias “Ben CO” within the racist organization. Nathan Brenner was arrested trying to disrupt a Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Pride event and has engaged in regular Patriot Front organizing, including vandalizing a mural in Denver, Colorado with racist graffiti.
UPDATE: In December 2022, Nathan Brenner was confirmed to be physically seeking employment under the alias David Brenner in the Des Moines, IA metro area and is no longer believed to be living in Colorado.
Patriot Front members also regularly vandalize left-wing and progressive artworks. Leaked internal Patriot Front video, published by Unicorn Riot, shows Nathan Brenner and two other Patriot Front members vandalizing a pro-bodily autonomy mural at Crema Coffee House in Denver.
Nathan Brenner was one of 31 Patriot Front members arrested on Conspiracy to Riot charges at the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Pride event on June 11th, 2022.