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On January 21, 2022, independent media outlet Unicorn Riot released 500GB of Patriot Front’s unaltered internal communications from the fascist group’s private chat server. This private chat is one of the main ways Patriot Front members coordinate and organize their activities. After joining the fascist organization, Patriot Front members choose a false name for themselves and include the state they live in and their title, if applicable. In Patriot Front’s private chat server, Nathaniel Leavitt is known as “Clarke MO @PF-256712.” Patriot Front also refers to areas where they have active members as networks. “Clarke MO” is a member of Network 13, abbreviated as NW13.
Nathaniel has a sticker collection which contains many hateful antisemitic and racist references, which is just a peek into the hateful personality that drove Nathaniel to join Patriot Front in the first place [10]. One of his stickers even depicts murderer Kyle Rittenhouse as a saint. Yikes.
Nathaniel was in attendance for Patriot Front’s March on December 4th at the National Mall in Washington DC. He coordinated being picked up by “Leo MO” [8] in Patriot Front’s internal communications server. After the march, “Mark MO” aka Ian Fletcher sent Nathaniel a photo of two individuals in front of Patriot Front’s re-decorated “hate bus,” which was used to transport many members from Missouri to Washington DC [9]. Nathaniel is pictured in the photo, on the right.