Karter Brown AKA Jackson GA of Marietta, GA | Christian Ian Foshee AKA Jesse GA of Milledgeville, GA

Read more at Atlanta Antifacists

We are unmasking two members of Patriot Front in Georgia: Karter Regan Brown of Marietta and Christian Ian Foshee of Milledgeville. Patriot Front is a white supremacist and fascist organization, formed as a splinter from and rebrand of Vanguard America in the aftermath of 2017’s bloody “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The organization is known for carefully choreographed marches, incessant placement of propaganda, and a nationwide defacement campaign against anti-racist murals, community spaces, and memorials to victims of police murder. All these activities are symbolic acts of intimidation, foreshadowing more literal violence. Patriot Front has tried to hide the identity of its members, but their organization has recently suffered a massive data leak.

Both Brown (“Jackson GA” within Patriot Front) and Foshee (“Jesse GA”) are visible in footage from the organization’s training camp in Tallahassee, Florida, which was held last October. Christian Foshee is also visible in an image of Patriot Front’s drill formations at a Unionville, Virginia camp, just before the racist group held its December 4th national rally in Washington, DC. Karter Brown also attended the December Patriot Front rally in Washington DC, renting a van for Patriot Front members from Georgia to drive to the event.

Christian Foshee (front row, 4th from left in camo jacket) at Patriot Front camp immediately before December 2021 Washington, DC rally.

Dustin Sargent AKA “Alan PA” of Kunkletown, PA

Read more at Philly Antifa

Dustin Sargent, aka “Alan-PA,” member of the neo-nazi organization Patriot Front

Anti-Fascists unaffiliated with Philly Antifa have identified one member, known in Patriot Front chats as Alan-PA, as Dustin Sargent, owner of Sargent and Sons Masonry in Kunkletown, PA. We have independently confirmed the information sent to us through the above mentioned data leak and social media posts by Sargent.

Sargent (right) at a Patriot Front group hike.

Christopher Leblanc / Christopher Semok AKA “Ryan FL” of Broward County, FL

Read more at the Atlanta Antifascists Twitter thread here or archived thread here

Thanks to leaked internal chats published by Unicorn Riot in January 2022, Christopher Leblanc, who also goes by Christopher Semok, was identified as Patriot Front member, “Ryan FL.” Patriot Front members choose an alias for themselves which include the state they live in and their title (if they are in a leadership role) once they join the fascist organization.

Christopher Leblanc/Semok was responsible for a lot of antisemitic and neo-Nazi vandalism and propaganda that was put up around Broward county, Florida. As well as his past ties to the racist/fascist Patriot Front and his affiliation with the National Socialist Movement, Christopher Leblanc/Semok claims to be part of the National Socialist Order (NSO). NSO is a continuation of Atomwaffen Division, a neo-Nazi group tied to five murders.

Although he spent time in Spokane, Washington in 2022, he is based in Florida.

Logan Plank AKA Clarke IL of Wood River, IL

Read more from Chicago AntiFascists

Logan Plank of Wood River, Illinois is also known as Clarke IL, a member of Patriot Front, a violent white supremacist group, as proved by their internal documents leaked today by Unicorn Riot. He is also a sheet metal union (SMART 36) applicant, and son of Wood River, IL councilman Jeremy Plank and Bethalto teacher Tiffany Plank.

From the conversations leaked by Unicorn Riot, we see that Patriot Front member Clarke IL clearly had intentions of moving up in the fascist organization. In fact, Clarke IL even asked Thomas if he could learn the “art of making propaganda pieces” from him and then sent Thomas his sketched first attempt at Patriot Front promotional materials (aka “promat”). It’s clear that Clarke was seeking Thomas’s validation and approval, as well as maybe the design could be used on neo-Nazi stickers or banners used to terrorize communities.

Then we open up the direct messaged private conversations between Logan under the name Clarke IL and his Patriot Front network director Carter MO. So when member Clarke IL sends his resume for review ahead of an application into SMART Local 36’s apprenticeship program, which makes Clarke’s identification very easy.

Luke Paule AKA “Carter MO” of Pacific, MO

Luke Paule was identified as Patriot Front’s Network Director for southern Illinois and eastern Missouri (“Network XII”) by Unicorn Riot, when the media group revealed leaks of Patriot Front’s internal chat server in January 2022. Patriot Front members must choose pseudonyms when they join the fascist group, and Luke Paule’s alias was revealed as “Carter MO.” Here are the messages he wrote as “Carter MO.”

Luke Paule, as a Network Director, planned fascist activism to further Patriot Front’s fascist agenda, which included targeting FBI “report hate crimes” billboards. He also directed other Patriot Front members in his network in fascist activities, such as Brandon Michael Danaher (“Patrick MO”) of Blue Spring, Missouri, who was recently exposed by Chicago Anti-Fascist Action.

As noted by Unicorn Riot, Patriot Front Network Director ‘Carter MO‘ (Luke Paule) and other Patriot Front Network Directors discussed coordinating actions targeting FBI “report hate crimes” billboards in their respective areas.


Daniel Turetchi AKA “Grant MD” of Owings Mills, MD

Read more at Antifa Seven Hills

Thanks to the latest release of Patriot Front Chat logs by Unicorn Riot, we can identify Daniel Turetchi of Owings Mills, Maryland as “Grant-MD”. Turetchi is employed as a licensed Real Estate Agent for ExecuHome Realty in Parkville, MD, and an active member and Network Scribe of Patriot Front’s Network 9 (NW9), encompassing the Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C., and Virginia areas. He resides at Beckett Green Condominiums in Owings Mills, Maryland, a Baltimore suburb, since purchasing a unit in 2018

The chat logs published by Unicorn Riot show that Turetchi leveraged his position as a real estate agent to secure a campground in Unionville, VA under false pretenses for his fascist cohort to stay for their December 2021 march in Washington D.C. In addition to interfacing with the lessors, chat logs show Turetchi also was in charge of camp security checkpoints, meeting members at an initial checkpoint before escorting them to the campground. Intelligence garnered from the weekend indicated that local sheriff’s deputies were alerted to the suspicious presence of vehicles idling and massing at seemingly odd locations, forcing arrivals to reconfigure their meet points several times. Antifa Seven Hills was able to contact the lessors, who were appalled to learn they were taken advantage of and lied to.

*UPDATE* As of January 25th, 2022, Tuertchi’s former brokerage confirmed that his employment has been terminated. This article has been updated to reflect that.

Paul Michael Gancarz AKA Samuel VA of Virginia Beach, VA

Read more at Antifa Seven Hills and NYC Antifa

Meet Paul Gancarz, Patriot Front Network Director for Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, and Delaware. Paul attended Unite the Right in Charlottesville as a Proud Boy; was involved in scrawling swastika graffiti in Greenpoint, Brooklyn; and was a previous Network Director for New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Among other things…

Paul Michael Gancarz is a fascist and Patriot Front’s Network Director for the region covering Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland, and Delaware. He currently lives in Virginia Beach, Virginia, but is originally from New York City where he has strong ties to Greenpoint, Brooklyn, and Forest Hills, Queens. As a member of Patriot Front, Gancarz is very active in the group’s propaganda campaigns in both New York and Virginia where he is responsible for much of the Patriot Front stickers, posters, and stencils reported in these areas. In his role as a Patriot Front Network Director, Paul would have been directly involved or consulted on high-profile vandalism in his network, such as the defacement of the Arthur Ashe mural in Richmond, Virginia. As the host for Patriot Front marches in Washington DC on January 29th, 2021 and more recently on December 4th, 2021, he would have had a large role in the organizing and staging of these fascist spectacles (and any U-haul mishaps that may have occurred).

Paul Gancarz’s involvement in Far Right politics also goes well beyond Patriot Front. On August 12, 2017 he attended the deadly white nationalist Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia as a Proud Boy and has maintained strong connections to the group over the years. In December 2019, Paul and Proud Boy member Simon Ming Yui Lee (AKA Simon “Lee Greenwood”) scrawled swastikas outside of a Greenpoint, Brooklyn restaurant. Gancarz also helps distribute a variety of fascist and far right propaganda, notably those for white nationalist Robert Rundo’s groups, Rise Above Movement and Will2Rise. His work as an engineer provides him the opportunity to travel around the United States, network with different fascists, and spread fascist/white nationalist propaganda and ideas. He currently works for the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Expansion Project in the Virginia Beach/Norfolk, Virginia area.

Richard James Flannery AKA “Alexander OR” of Central Point, OR

Read more at Rose City Antifa

This article identifies Richard James Flannery of Central Point, Oregon as Patriot Front member “Alexander-OR” (PF-109720). Since joining Patriot Front at the beginning of 2021, Flannery has worked with other Oregon members in spreading the group’s fascist, white supremacist promotional materials throughout the state. Alongside Patriot Front neo-Nazis from across the Pacific Northwest, Richard Flannery traveled to Olympia, Washington to vandalize an LGBTQ+ Pride mural in October 2021. He also traveled to the East Coast to march through D.C. chanting white nationalist slogans with over 100 other members of Patriot Front on December 4th.

Update 1/19/24

Richard James Flannery has been seen on the dating app Tinder. In one photo, Flannery is shown holding hundreds of flyers in baggies while wearing a skull mask. This is a tactic often associated with White Lives Matter or the Goyim Defense League.

Continue reading “Richard James Flannery AKA “Alexander OR” of Central Point, OR”

Jacob Stephen Sundt AKA Clarke WA of Olympia, WA

Read more at Washington Nazi Watch

Jacob Stephen Sundt is a member of the neo-Nazi, neo-fascist, white-supremacist group “Patriot Front.” He operates under the name “Clarke WA” and lives in Olympia, WA.

Sundt is responsible for planning the vandalism of the “Respect & Love Olympia” LGBTQ mural under the direct guidance of both his Network Director “John WA” and the leader of Patriot Front, Thomas Rousseau.

Jake Sundt is also the son of a judge for the Washington State Office of Administrative Hearings.

Lawrence Alexander Norman AKA Frederick OR of Prospect, OR

Read more at Corvallis Antifascists

Lawrence Alexander Norman of Prospect, Oregon is a member of of the white nationalist organization Patriot Front. Norman has been photographed attending and participating in the group’s PNW meetings and trainings. Members of Patriot Front are assigned a two part call-sign with a generic name and their state. Lawrence Norman is known to the group as Frederick OR.

Lawrence has made appearances at Patriot Front’s events in the Pacific Northwest. He notably helped the group during their defacement of the aforementioned Black Lives Matter mural in Olympia, Washington. He (and his stupid fucking manbun) can be seen in the following stills taken from videos recorded during a practice session and  during the vandalism itself.