Steven Derrick Tucker AKA “Don TX” of Texas

Read more at IdaVox, Local Denton, and Hatewatch.

Steven Derrick Tucker, 30, was arrested on June 11th in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho with fellow members of the fascist group, Patriot Front, as they attempted to crash a Pride event there. Court records in Dallas County, Texas show that at the time of his arrest in Idaho, Tucker was out on bail awaiting trial on a charge of 2nd Degree felony assault with a deadly weapon. This charge stems from his arrest on August 14, 2021 after a fight he had with his male roommates at a house in Mesquite, TX. He threatened to kill one of them with a knife after they argued about washing dishes, prompting the other roommate to intervene. Court records in the aggravated assault case further reveal that one of the roommates (the complainant in the case) had a dating relationship with Tucker and that Tucker “was a member of the complainant’s family and household.” He was released on $25,000 bond on August 22, 2021.

Patriot Front members choose pseudonyms when they join the fascist group. Steven Derrick Tucker chose “Don TX” and used this pseudonym in Patriot Front’s private chat server. This chat server was subsequently leaked to the media group, Unicorn Riot, and the contents were published in January 2022. Posting as “Don TX” in the Patriot Front chats, he made reference to his legal situation, notably the fact that he wanted to keep Patriot Front out of it. (Is it any wonder?)

In a flurry of legal activity after Tucker’s arrest in Idaho as a member of Patriot Front, his bond was revoked for several weeks until he was eventually released with additional bond conditions including a requirement that he wear a ankle monitor. Tucker has also retained the legal services of Jason Lee Van Dyke, a longtime white nationalist and former lawyer for the Proud Boys, as his legal counsel in the Texas case.

Steven Derrick Tucker has traveled with Patriot Front to participate in their fascist flash mob actions on several occasions. In February 2021, Tucker was involved in a deadly car crash with several other Patriot Front members at the end of one of these actions in Utah. One member from New Jersey was killed and Thomas Rousseau, Patriot Front’s leader, was injured and hospitalized.

Forrest Rankin AKA “Jesse CO” of Wheat Ridge, CO (now Lorenzo, TX)

Read more at Colorado Spring Anti-Fascists

Forrest Clark Rankin (29) of Lorenzo, Texas is a member of the neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front, where he served as the photo coordinator for their Colorado & Southern Wyoming chapter. Forrest lived in Wheat Ridge, CO when he was arrested trying to disrupt a Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Pride event and has engaged in regular Patriot Front organizing, including flying to Washington D.C. for a failed white supremacist march. Rankin has since moved back to his hometown in Lorenzo, TX.

Rankin has worked as an engineer, but his current employment is unknown.

Jared Michael Boyce AKA “Logan UT” of Springville, UT

Read more at Antifa Garfield and The Daily Beast

We can now confirm that Patriot Front member, Jared Michael Boyce (27), goes by “Logan UT” in the Patriot Front chats leaked by Unicorn Riot. In addition to that pseudonym, we know that Jared also uses “Brohumrie Matey” (or a similar variation) on Telegram, where he posts “anonymous” pictures of himself as well as a wide variety of Nazi propaganda. We matched these pseudonyms together because Jared posted the same photo of himself in the Patriot Front chats and on his Telegram. The picture shows him standing on stolen Pride/Mexico flags as a gesture of disrespect.

Jared was arrested on June 11th with 30 other members of Patriot Front in Couer d’Alene, Idaho, as they were on their way to intimidate a local Pride event. After his high profile arrest, Jared’s mother spoke with The Daily Beast to say that she kicked Jared out of her home in the hopes that her son will finally cut ties with the extremist faction. (He did not.)

Some other examples of Jared Boyce being a Nazi on Telegram.


Richard Jacob Jessop AKA “Oscar ID” of Idaho Falls, ID

Richard Jessop of Idaho Falls, Idaho, was arrested on June 11th, 2022, with 30 other members of Patriot Front in Couer d’Alene, Idaho, as they were on their way to intimidate a local Pride event. He was recognized as “Oscar ID” on the Patriot Front member’s gallery. Patriot Front members choose pseudonyms when they join the fascist group and in January 2022, Patriot Front’s private chat server was leaked by Unicorn Riot. Here are Richard Jessop’s messages that he wrote as “Oscar ID.”


Dillon Thomas Oakes AKA “John CO” of Highlands Ranch, CO

Read more at Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists

We have identified Dillon Thomas Oakes (25) of Highlands Ranch, Colorado as a member of the neo-Nazi organization Patriot Front. He uses the alias “John – CO” within the racist organization. Dillon Oakes has hosted at least one Patriot Front gathering at this parents’ home and has engaged in regular Patriot Front organizing, including vandalizing a mural in Denver, CO with racist graffiti.

Dillon Oakes (center) and two other Patriot Front members vandalizing a mural at Crema Coffee House in Denver, Colorado.

According to Dillon’s leaked chat messages, he was radicalized by the right-wing  message board 4Chan, particularly its /pol/ board, which is also responsible for creating the QAnon conspiracy theory and numerous mass shooters. Dillon indicates that he is the author of a thread posted to /pol/ where he describes getting in trouble with his family for singing the “Ni***er Song,” and posts a recording of the song.

Oakes posted on Patriot Front’s internal chat as “John CO.” He indicates he frequented the /pol/ message board on 4Chan and wrote songs.

A thread posted by Dillon Oakes about his family’s reaction to a racist song he was caught singing

Spencer Thomas Simpson AKA “David WA” of Ellensburg, WA

Read more at Washington Nazi Watch

Spencer Thomas Simpson is a member of the neo-Nazi, neo-fascist, white-supremacist group Patriot Front (PF). He operates under the name “David WA” and lives in Ellensburg, WA.

Simpson is highly active and has attended several Patriot Front banner drops, stencilings, hikes, and more. He helped deface the “Respect and Love Olympia” mural in October 2021, and was also present at the recent December 4th fascist march in Washington, DC. Spencer was arrested on June 11th, 2022, during an attempted Patriot Front flash mob intending to intimidate and disrupt a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

On Saturday, October 16th, members of Patriot Front vandalized a “Respect & Love Olympia” mural, covering it with white paint before stenciling over it with their nationalist slogan and links to their Nazi website. This effort involved weeks of planning with members from across the entire Pacific Northwest contingent of Patriot Front, as well as with knowledge and assistance from Thomas Rousseau. Spencer Simpson was present and involved in this action..

Thomas Ryan Rousseau of Haslet, TX

Thomas Ryan Rousseau, 25, of Haslet TX is the leader of the white supremacist organization Patriot Front.

Thomas was arrested alongside 30 other members of Patriot Front while attempting to disrupt a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Whitson was previously arrested in 2020 for putting up Patriot Front stickers in Weatherford, TX with Cameron Pruitt and Graham Whitson.

According to the Kootenai Co Sheriff’s Office, Thomas’ address at time of booking was: 1113 CREST MEADOW DRIVE, HASLET, TX 76052.

Graham Jones Whitson AKA “Mason TX” of Haslet, TX

Graham Jones Whitson, 31, of Haslet TX was arrested alongside 30 other members of Patriot Front while attempting to disrupt a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Whitson was previously arrested in 2020 for putting up Patriot Front stickers in Weatherford, TX with Cameron Pruitt and Thomas Rousseau.

According to the Kootenai Co Sheriff’s Office, Graham’s address at time of booking was: 1113 CREST MEADOW DRIVE, HASLET, TX 76052.

Graham’s leaked Patriot Front messages can be found here

Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield AKA “Joshua UT” of Elkfield, UT

Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield, 24, of Elkfield UT was arrested alongside 30 other members of Patriot Front while attempting to disrupt a Pride event in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Nathaniel serves in Patriot Front leadership as Network 5 Scribe.

According to the Kootenai Co Sheriff’s Office, Nathaniel’s address at time of booking was: 273 W MOONLIGHT DR., ELK RIDGE, UT 84651.

Nathaniel’s leaked Patriot Front messages can be found here.