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Meet neo-Nazi Patriot Front member “Victor TX” (formerly “Victor OH”) His real name is Jacob Anthony Ray and his serial number in the org is PF-584024. Jacob’s leaked messages can be found here.
It’s unclear if Jacob Ray is currently employed. If you have any information regarding his employment please contact Texas Fash Watch or email us at You will be kept anonymous.
Jacob Ray is orginally from Zanesville, Ohio but moved to Texas (DFW area) last year. He transferred from Patriot Front’s Network 13 to Network 1. He may have briefly lived in Duncan Falls, OH.

Jacob Ray goes by Rockwell’s Ghost on Telegram. Rockwell’s Ghost contacted us out of the blue. He saw our account in a chat and thought he recognized the username. He apparently thought we were a PF member even though this was a generic account used to monitor Nazi chats.

Rockwell’s Ghost identified himself as a Patriot Front member named “Vic” who had been active with Network 13. He mentioned moving to Texas and joining Network 1. Documenting his own activism, his profile included photos of PF stickers placed on advertisements featuring Black people.

Jacob Ray has been asking fellow Nazis to make donations via GoFundMe. He claimed that a “Woman I know stood up to antifa scum and lost her job over it. Now facing being homeless…” This dubious sob story would lead to his ID.

The person who created the page is none other than his girlfriend Amber Lagail Ballew. The two live together in the Dallas area. In other words, Jacob Ray was asking for donations to himself while claiming it was for some “woman I know” who was facing homelessness because of antifa!

Judging from her social media posts and photos Amber Ballew seems to share Jacob Ray’s ideology.

Here you can see Jacob Ray’s interesting choice of literature to display on the mantelpiece: an Adolf Hitler biography.

Jacob Ray claims to have attended the Patriot Front march in Philadelphia on July 4, 2021. We were unable to locate the specific photo he mentions appearing in. Paul Gancarz (Sam VA) is in the photo alongside Ray.

More details on how the ID was made: What immediately stood out on Amber Ballew’s Facebook was a photo of a guy wearing a tan hat with a Betsy Ross flag patch. This is part of the Patriot Front ‘uniform.’

Sure enough, the same exact image that was uploaded by Rockwell’s Ghost on Telegram was posted on Amber Ballew’s Facebook alt (Ambino Acid) as well as the accounts of both their relatives.

On verifying his name: In several posts Amber Ballew refers to him as Jacob (sometimes misspelled as Jakob) in the caption. However, he’s never tagged and doesn’t appear in her Friends list.

A Facebook photo uploaded by a close relative of Jacob Ray’s in 2016 shows Ray with his siblings. He’s tagged as Jacob Ray thus providing a direct link to his full name and face:

Also, Amber Ballew has a third Facebook account where she uses the last name Ray:

Jacob Ray’s tattoos on inner forearms: – Oi! with laurel wreath – Triquetra symbol: